30 June, 2013

Look Beyond

When Sudden fascinations strike you hard and they happen to take you along paths of excitement, amazement, fortune, experience and knowledge, it is better to follow.

My sudden fascination towards poems has made me write another one again and here it is. A simple, small time poem on looking beyond at the time of despondency.

Look Beyond:


Look beyond,
The world is new today.

The tramps of the night,
The spoils of a fight,
The wrong and the right,
Are long past gone.

A gloomy day,
Burning hay,
Lost way,
Just look beyond.

Falling will,
Times of chill,
Days of grill,
Are long past gone.

Intrusive guys,
Vehicle's noise,
Dropped choice,
Just look beyond.

Wars of death,
Olive wreath,
Doomsday breath,
Are long past gone.

Thieving mice,
Scanty rice,
Melting ice,
Just look beyond.

Men have marched,
Past the fields parched,
Achieved next notch,
By looking beyond.

Look beyond,
Thy shall rise.
Look beyond,
Thy shall be wise.

Never be torn,
Worse is long past gone,
So look beyond...
Look beyond.


  1. The poem is awesome, man. I can see something bright in future. Keep going. All the very best.


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